Enjoy the Outdoors with SolarShield Motorized Retractable Awnings

Get back to your yard, save energy consumption, protect your furniture from sun damage, and enjoy your new SolarShield by Toff Industries Inc. today.
Each SolarShield Awning is custom made, to provide long-lasting beauty and protection to your Lehigh County home, and yard for years to come.
Our exceptional deck awnings are made from 100% marine-grade acrylic fabric, warranted for 10 years. With over 100 fabric colors and styles to choose from, there’s something for everyone.
The Little Big Arms Make All The Difference

The Little Big Arms on the SolarShield Retractable Patio Awnings allow for longer projections to keep you and your family in the shade, as well as add value to your home.
This unique feature adds strength to your motorized retractable awning. All our materials are made from the highest quality, inlcuding the shoulder/tension bars that allow for proper pitch. Keystone Gutter Helmet offers both easy manual gears, as well as a wireless motorized awnings, for your convenience. All the frame components are anti-corrosive stainless steel.
SolarShield Retractable Awnings for decks are customized to the inch to meet your specific needs. In fact, SolarShield Awnings can be made to nearly double the extension length of any other awning company out there!