My Basement Flooded: Now What?


A nightmare in the form of liquid damage is finding a flood in your basement. No matter the height and no matter the damage, it’s never a good sign. With the possibility of this happening to you, it’s vital that all instances of it  occurring are taken care of before and after. With your home, it’s important to protect your investment and the best way to do so is preparation. Should you come home to an overflown washer or a flash flood that penetrates your home, here are a few things to do.

  1. Unplug all power sources — this is a no-brainer. As you don’t want anything to completely burn out or start a fire, disconnecting the power is the first step to fixing the issue. This can be done simply by unplugging the items, or turning them off via the breaker located somewhere in your home.
  2. Dry out the area. It’s going to be a pain, but anything wet and affected needs to be moved and dried. This includes clothing, rugs, carpet and couches. As big of a pain as it might seem, this water sitting can cause mold and an odor that can be hard to get out. It’s important to remedy this issue before anything else.
  3. Disinfect. Use a disinfectant on wood fixtures, insulation, drywall and other items that otherwise can’t be moved or replaced. This can always help items that were affected by the flood. Additionally, mold growth is suppressed. A great idea is to use a mister for larger rooms, which can be rented and sourced from your local Home Depot.

The winter can bring tough climates and big issues with your home. Flooding can specifically occur if there’s a large amount of ice and snow built up on the roof or near your home. A Gutter Helmet can prevent these issues from happening and in the long run, may save a large portion of your home.